Your satisfaction is our priority. We hope that you love the product you purchased. However, if you are not completely satisfied, we are here to help you with a replacement or repair. Please contact us (, so we can address your concerns. Shipping is free for all eligible returns, except certain regional zip codes. We will accept returns on any item of being delivered to you WITHIN 30 DAYS. If the product has quality problems (not man-made damage) or you maybe receive an incorrect product, or your item(s) arrive in imperfect condition or with missing parts, you can apply for the return process to us. Please contact us for replacement within 30 days of after receiving the goods is free of charge. We cannot accept a return on any item over 30 days.

iHood Limited Warranty: New Items
  • Heated Apparel(jacket, vest, gloves, socks, shoes) of orders placed on include a complimentary 18-Month limited warranty on heating elements and batteries from the date of purchase.

Purchases from a third-party dealer, retailer, website, or distributor, please contact them directly for assistance. We are unable to issue refunds or exchanges for products purchased outside of our website. This warranty is non-transferable and proof of purchase from or an authorized retailer is required for warranty service. Purchases from unauthorized channels or any other channels not listed officially are not covered with our warranty policy.

  • Gift Warranty

You can enjoy the same warranty as the purchaser does. But you need to provide the purchaser's name and order number.

Warranty Exclusions:

Any issues arising from the wear and tear of the garment, such as fabric, zippers, and other accessories, are not covered under warranty. In no circumstances will iHood or the manufacturer be liable for incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including water damage, resulting from the use of the product, regardless of whether the product is found to be covered by this warranty. Any damage to the heating system and its parts resulting from misuse, failure to follow washing instructions, flooding, accidental fire, unauthorized servicing, or negligence, as outlined in this document, will void the warranty. This warranty does not cover commercial use. Any personal customizations, such as unauthorized embroidery or cutting on the heated clothing, will void the warranty.

How to Claim:

The decision to repair, replace or provide a store credit for the retail price of a product under warranty shall be taken by iHood. The customer may need to mail-in the product during the warranty period. This limited warranty only covers the product purchased as new and is extended to the original purchaser only.  To proceed with a claim, Please contact us via email, and including photos or videos in your email will help us resolve your issue more efficiently. Our customer service team will get back to you in 24 hours upon receiving your email. If you do not receive an email from us within 48 hours, please check your spam folder or simply reach out by phone at +1 888-707-9090 Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM PST